The Journey Begins...First flight down
I'm starting this post from the first leg of my flights to Johannesburg. I was up at literally o'dark hundred this morning. To top things off we started Daylight Saving time so I was really up at 2:15am though the clock said 3:15. It was a good thing I did get up early as my Lyft driver arrived early which was also a good thing as that the airport was packed. Thank God for TSA pre-checks as I sped through security. Another good thing is the person. Who was supposed to sit in the middle seat never showed. More space to stretch out.
I did actually sleep last night with a little help from some OTC sleep aids but it wasn't enough. Maybe that will help me sleep on the second leg of my trip.
People kept asking me if I was excited about this trip. I guess my answer is yes, especially now that I'm on the plane. I'm also a bit nervous. I've travelled by myself before but never this far and never to a foreign country. Vancouver doesn't count because it's attached. 😜. Besides they never stamped my passport.
As long as I have a connection, I will try and post as often as I can. This "being off the grid" is going to take a little getting used to.